Inseta si è aggiudicata l’Innovation Prize ai PV Awards di Première Vision 2013. Un premio che certifica l’eccellenza raggiunta nel campo dell’innovazione tessile.
La giuria era composta da: Philippe Pasquet (CEO di Première Vision), Alessandro Sartori (President of the Jury Artistic Director, Berluti, Francia), Pascaline Wilhelm (Première Vision Fashion Director), Serge Cohen (Director of Fashion Development, Façonnable, Francia), Victor Dzenk (President and Designer Victor Dzenk brand, Brasile), Satu Maaranen (Winner of Première Vision Grand Jury Prize ad the 2013 Hyères International Festival, Finlandia), Bertrand Marechal (Professor of fashion and design Geneva University of Art and Design -HEADS- Svizzera), Sandrine Merle (Journaliste, Les Echos Série Limitée, Francia), Kathryn O’Brien (Head of Design Direction & Global Design Sports Performance, Adidas, Germania).